Customer stories – Lynne Kennedy

Lynne Kennedy is based in the far north-west of Scotland, next to the Isle of Skye, where she specialises in photographing elopements and small weddings. The majority of her shoots are on Skye but she occasionally travels a little further afield to another island or remote part of the mainland. She’s been photographing weddings since 2007.
“I wish I’d started using Light Blue years ago. It really would have made such a difference but I’m just glad I am (almost) utilising it fully now and feel so much more organised in my business. “
“I was using Excel spreadsheets and a paper diary! Until my friend Suzanne Black visited and said she wasn’t leaving until she taught me the basics. Since then, I have never looked back!”

So what is it that Lynne loves about Light Blue?
“I am pretty bad at time management and even though Light Blue has helped me so much since I started using it, I still don’t know what I’ve done with the time! But I love how organised I am now – I feel much more on top of my business and a lot more disciplined about sending out correspondence to clients and making sure I get paid.”
“It’s really handy to be able to send a text to enquiring customers to say I’ve emailed them my information because my emails tend to go in the junk all the time.”
Lynne can be out of the office a lot with her shoots, so finds Light Blue’s iOS app very handy because she can use it even when she doesn’t have phone signal.
“It’s worth having as sometimes you might be out of the office for a few days and not otherwise have access to that information.”

She will happily tell people that she is not the most “techy” person and says she has found the support from Light Blue a great help.
“I’ve spoken to Ian a couple of times and he is really incredible and helpful. I realised I’d been doing something wrong with my invoicing and he was very kind and patient and explained it so thoroughly for me. I feel now that no matter what it is I can’t figure out, even if I think it’s not worth bothering him, I really should, rather than trying to work it out myself, because he can point me in the right direction much more quickly.”
We asked Lynne what other tools have helped her business.
“I love Todoist and that is definitely an app that is worth the money and I’ve been using it every day to keep on top of projects and things I don’t use Light Blue for. Also, QuickBooks is fantastic and my next project is to learn how to integrate that with Light Blue.”

“Once you start using Light Blue, you’ll not be able to understand how you managed without it.”
Lynne Kennedy
- Print a Handy Summary of Your Shoot Record with Just One Click
- Present Contracts In-Person with Your iPad or Tablet
- Using Custom Fields to Forecast Portrait Session Sales
- Keep All Client Messages in One Place with a Custom Dashboard
- Two-way text messaging in Light Blue
- Never Miss a Booking with Automated Contract Reminders
- How using the right tools can help you focus on what matters
- Five Positive Steps to Keep Your Business Healthy
- 7 ways photographers can use SMS messaging with Light Blue
- How to run a successful Christmas mini-session campaign