Light Blue 2023.1.2 release notes
We’ve just released Light Blue 2023.1.2, which is a minor update that adds new features and fixes bugs reported since we launched Light Blue 2023.1. It includes the following changes:
- We’re now handling a change in 12-hour time formatting in macOS 14 Sonoma that could interfere with autocompleting times.
- You can now import multiple sales from the Inbox in a batch by using Shift-click on Command/Control-click to select several sales before clicking the “Import” button.
- You can now open “failed to send” emails from the Outbox and send them via a different email account, e.g. using the Light Blue email servers instead of one of your own email accounts.
- Our HTML editor now allows mailto: and tel: URLs to be added.
- Added a “Check Server Connection Before Trying to Sync” preference. We’re also providing more information in the “Background Activity” window if your internet connection appears to not be working.
- Importing a form that’s been submitted for a shoot that’s been deleted is now treated as if you’re importing a form that’s not linked to anything.
- On Windows, we now default to ignoring your display’s scale factor when printing.
- Added a “Reset” button to the template translation editing dialog, to clear any customised translation and revert it to the default value.
- In the custom report dialog, changed the wording from “quick or saved query” to “quick query”.
- Changed the wording of the “Set Opt-In” button in “Set Mailing List Opt-In For Contacts From CSV” dialog to “Change Opt-In Status”.
- In the “Revenue By Product” report, the “Product Code” column is now only be shown if if “Show Product Code” option is checked.
- Fixed a bug that caused the query for potential duplicate contacts when you’re previewing incoming data to be case-sensitive.
- Fixed a bug where drag-reordering contact methods in contact add dialog appears to not work.
- Fixed a bug where querying on a time field and setting the operator to “Is Blank” or “Is Not Blank” wasn’t hiding the value field and the query couldn’t be run.
- Fixed a bug where the query dialog’s advanced mode’s closing bracket could disappear when clicked on to activate them.
- Fixed a bug where the printed version of quotes weren’t using the “Quote/Sale Notes Label” from template translations.
- Fixed a bug where the last row of the CSV file could be ignored when using “Set Mailing List Opt-In For Contacts From CSV” housekeeping tool.
- Fixed a bug where the address label popup arrows don’t appear in contact add dialog when adding a contact to a shoot.
- Fixed a bug where mail-merging a centrally aligned %InvoiceURL% tag in an email template changed it to left-aligned.
- Fixed a bug where merging duplicate contacts from a shoot could cause the sort order of the preserved contact to change unexpectedly.
- Fixed a bug where checking the “preview mail-merge tags” checkbox while editing contract text opens blank pages in your default browser.
- Light Blue 2024.1.5 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1.3 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1.2 release notes
- Light Blue compatibility with macOS 15 Sequoia and iOS 18
- Light Blue 2024.1.1 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1
- Light Blue 2024.1 release notes
- Light Blue 2023.1.3 release notes
- Light Blue compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma and iOS 17
- Light Blue 2023.1.1 release notes