Light Blue 2024.1.2 release notes
We’ve just released Light Blue 2024.1.2, which is a minor update that adds new features and fixes bugs reported since we launched Light Blue 2024.1. It includes the following changes:
- Added an “Invoices With Items & Descriptions” export option, to comply with French government requirements.
- Added “Last Payment Due Date” and “Last Payment Due Date Formatted” to the following Zapier triggers: New Invoice, Updated Invoice, New Payment, Updated Payment.
- Clicking the “Add Workflow” button for a specific session in a shoot now defaults the basis for that workflow to the start date of that session.
- Scheduled forms are now included in the cancelled shoot tidying options.
- Email signatures are now sorted by their name in the Preferences window.
- The Selection -> Find Duplicate Contacts command now filters out contacts that you have marked as not a duplicate.
- Fixed a bug where the purchase item “Calculate Net & Tax Amounts From Gross Total” could fail to correctly use European decimal separators.
- Fixed a bug where the %ShootEndTime% mail-merge tag can fail to work as expected when the shoot has two timed sessions on the same day.
- Fixed a bug where the form submitted email could be sent from your default email server instead of the relevant shoot type’s selected email server.
- Light Blue 2024.1.5 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1.3 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1.1 release notes
- Light Blue 2024.1
- Light Blue 2024.1 release notes
- Light Blue iOS 2023.1.4 release notes
- Light Blue 2023.1.3 release notes
- Light Blue 2023.1.2 release notes
- Light Blue compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma and iOS 17
- Light Blue 2023.1.1 release notes