Print a Handy Summary of Your Shoot Record with Just One Click

Did you know that you can print a detailed summary of your shoot record straight from Light Blue? This simple but powerful feature gives you all the key details you need at a glance, making it a great tool for staying organised on the day of a shoot.

By clicking the Print/Send button on a shoot record, you’ll generate a summary that includes:

  • The shoot’s date and time
  • Location details
  • Information on all contacts linked to the shoot
  • Notes you’ve made for the shoot
  • Details from the Schedule and Requests tabs, such as timelines and client requests

Gathering Key Details using a Pre-Session Questionnaire

Keeping all the important details for a shoot in one place makes your life so much easier. In Light Blue, you can manually add key information – like contact details, locations, special requests, and notes – directly to the shoot record. But an even easier way to gather this information is by sending your client a pre-session questionnaire.

You have full control over which fields are included in the form, and to save time, any details you already have can be pre-filled – making it quick for your client to review and confirm. Once they submit the form, their responses automatically update the relevant record(s) in Light Blue. That means when it’s time to print a handy summary of your shoot record, all the key details are right there, ready to go!

“We send a form to gather some key details before the shoot, then we plan effectively the whole photography element around what they send back to us.

We don’t have to worry about speaking to anybody on the day. Everybody is so aware of what we’re doing because we send the schedule for final sign off to our client before the date of the shoot.”
Steph, Summers Photography

Perfect for Photographers on the Go

Having a printed summary can be a lifesaver when you’re out in the field. Take it from Ian:

“I like to print out three copies when heading off to photograph a wedding: one in my jacket pocket, one in my trouser pocket, and one in the camera bag.”Ian Martindale, Light Blue customer success manager & wedding photographer

This simple habit helps him stay on top of things during a busy shoot, allowing him to:

  • Share a copy of the group photo list with assistants or helpers
  • Double-check details with the couple or venue coordinator
  • Quickly reference shoot details without needing to pull out his phone

Why Paper Still Wins Sometimes

“I use it for wedding clients, brands and commercial clients. We just find it so powerful that everything is there at a glance. And it’s just so helpful that we can print it off as well.”Steph, Summers Photography

Even in today’s digital world, a printed copy has some key advantages:

  1. Paper doesn’t run out of battery. It’s always available when you need it.
  2. You can make notes on it. Scribbling quick reminders, updates, or changes is easy.
  3. It’s easy to hand over to someone else. No more figuring out how to share your phone screen. Plus, you look more professional checking a piece of paper instead of staring at your phone!

If you’re using our Calendar Publishing feature, you’ll also see the same details within your calendar event. But for many photographers, the reliability and ease of a paper copy can’t be beaten!

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