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Importing your Fundy orders into Light Blue

If you’re using the specialist software Fundy for your in-person sales (IPS) you’ll want to want to include these orders in Light Blue too; having all the information relating to a shoot in one place allows you to see how successful the session was, keep on top of your finances and take advantage of Light Blue’s powerful reporting features.

And thankfully you don’t have to manually re-enter them into Light Blue; there’s a handy import feature that you can use instead!

Exporting your order from Fundy

First of all, we need to export the information from Fundy.

  • Click “Export Order” at the bottom of the Place Order dialog.
  • Choose “Studio Management XML” from the drop-down options.

Importing the order into Light Blue

Now we have all the relevant information from Fundy, we want to import the order into Light Blue as a Sale Record.

  • Go to “Records” in the main menu.
  • Select “Import” followed by “Sale from Fundy XML File… “ from the drop-down menu options.
  • NB. Even if you have already given your client a copy of their Fundy order and taken payment from them, an Invoice still needs to be created in Light Blue so it’s included in Light Blue’s Reports; a pop-up reminder dialog will show when you’ve imported the Sale. We’ll cover how to create the Invoice once we’ve linked the sale to a Shoot Record.

Linking the Sale Record to a Shoot Record

Whilst the Fundy order export provides the details of the sale. Light Blue now needs to know which Shoot Record the sale applies to.

  • In the Sale Record, click on the cog to the right of the Linked Shoot field and choose “Link Shoot”.
  • Start typing the shoot name, click on the correct one from the list that appears and click “Link”.

Creating the Invoice

As explained above, it’s important to create an Invoice within Light Blue so the sale is included in Light Blue’s Reports.

  • In the Sale Record, click “Create Invoice”.
  • In the Invoice dialog, check/uncheck the “Print/Send” box depending on whether you want to send the Light Blue Invoice to your client or not.
  • Click “Create Email”/”Create Invoice”.

Recording Payment

  • If your client has already paid you, in the Sales Record click “Add Payment”.
  • Complete the “Date” and “Payment Method”.
  • Click “ Add Payment”.
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