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Use Zapier to connect Light Blue to thousands of apps

Zapier is a service that saves you time by connecting the apps and services that you use and automating them for you.

Essentially, Zapier acts as a go-between for apps and services, with some services providing triggers (e.g. “a new shoot was added to Light Blue”, “an invoice was created in Light Blue”, or “someone filled out the form on my SquareSpace website”) and other services providing actions (e.g. “add a contact to my email marketing system”, “create an invoice in my accounting app”, or “send this enquiry to the Light Blue API”). Zapier allows you to set up a number of “Zaps” that link a trigger to an action.

Light Blue offers a comprehensive set of triggers that allow you to use it with thousands of other apps. With Light Blue at the centre of your business, you can use it for all of your day-to-day work while taking advantage of industry-leading apps and services in a totally automated fashion.

You can also use Light Blue’s Zapier integration actions to send information to Light Blue and update contacts when things happen in other apps.

Please be aware that, although we describe a variety of third-party apps that you can use with Light Blue via Zapier, we are not affiliated with nor endorse any of these applications or services.

A few ideas to get you started

Start using Zapier with Light Blue today!

Creating your own Zaps that link Light Blue with any of the thousands of apps that are available via Zapier is simple and doesn’t require any programming skills:

  1. Read our Zapier setup guide.
  2. Learn about the triggers and actions that are available in our Zapier integration.
  3. Use one of our ideas to build your own Zaps, or invent your own. We love hearing about how people are using Light Blue, so let us know what you come up with!

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