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🎥 Light Blue’s Home Screen: an overview [webinar]

Light Blue brings all of the information that you need to run your business together into one place. As you’re managing your business, both you and your clients are entering helpful information into Light Blue. For example, when a new enquiry fills out your website contact form then you import that into Light Blue as a new enquiry, or when you raise an invoice and mark it is paid, all of that information is stored in Light Blue and linked together behind the scenes. You’re not having to deal with spreadsheets, paper diaries, or anything else, it’s all together in one convenient system.

Light Blue’s Home Screen gives you an overview of the information that’s most important to you. Light Blue’s strong customisation options allow you to set it up to show what’s most helpful for you and your business. You can even set up more than one Home Screen layout, so you can have different ways of looking at your business for each of the hats that you have to wear as a business owner.

00:00 – Introduction
01:10 – Home Screen overview
02:45 – Customising the Home Screen: creating an example Layout of immediate things to focus on
05:25 – Changing the Home Screen colours
06:10 – Reviewing the information showing in the example Layout created above
07:35 – And reviewing the in-built Financial Overview Layout
08:55 – Using Quick Queries in your Home Screen
10:40 – Generate new business using the Business Opportunities Layout
12:20 – Manage your enquiries using the Enquiry Management Layout

Importing the Business Opportunities and Enquiry Management Layout’s shown in the webinar

  1. Download the layout files here, save them to your downloads folder or desktop.
  2. Open Light Blue, click on the Options cog in the top right corner of the Home screen.
  3. Choose “Home screen layout editing”
  4. Choose “Import Home screen layout”
  5. Choose one of the .xml layout files you downloaded a moment ago
  6. You’re all done.

👉 For a more detailed look at the Home Screen head on over to this help article.
👉 To learn more about Widget Types read this one.
👉 And to learn how to use the Home Screen to manage your post production take a look at this one.

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