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An introduction to the Light Blue API

Light Blue offers lots of ways of working with other apps and services as well as features that help you work with your clients, including our contact forms, online scheduling calendars, contract signing service, and online invoice payment.

We also offer an API that allows you to send contact and shoot data directly to your Light Blue account. This incoming data appears in the Inbox in the Light Blue desktop and mobile apps, and from there you can use it to create or update contact or shoot records.

The easiest way of using the Light Blue API is via our Zapier integration, but you can also use our Gravity Forms plugin or use HTTP POST to send requests to it from your own custom code.

Sending requests to the Light Blue API

  • Zapier allows you to connect thousands of apps and services to Light Blue’s API.
  • Our Gravity Forms plugin is available for WordPress.
  • You can use HTTP POST requests to send data directly to the Light Blue API.
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