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Zapier: Light Blue triggers

All Zaps in Zapier start with a trigger. Light Blue offers a comprehensive set of triggers that allow you to use it for all of your day-to-day work while taking advantage of industry-leading apps and services in a totally automated fashion.

Light Blue’s list of triggers includes:

  • New Contact.
  • Updated Contact.
  • Updated Contact Mailing List Opt-In.
  • New Tag Added To Contact.
  • Removed Tag From Contact.
  • New Shoot.
  • Updated Shoot.
  • Updated Shoot Status.
  • New Tag Added To Shoot.
  • Removed Tag From Shoot.
  • New Appointment.
  • Updated Appointment.
  • New Invoice.
  • Updated Invoice.
  • New Payment.
  • Updated Payment.

Notes for all triggers

Light Blue’s Zapier triggers cover all of ways that an event can occur, including changes made by you in the Light Blue apps and by your clients in online scheduling calendars, online invoice payments, etc.

When you’re using the Light Blue apps, you often make a series of changes to the same record. e.g. create a new shoot, change it’s shoot type, change it’s status, enter the date, etc. To avoid repeatedly running your Zapier triggers, our servers add a slight delay of up to a few minutes before firing the trigger.

If you have “New X” and “Updated X” in your Zaps (e.g. “New Contact” and “Updated Contact”), the “Updated X” trigger will not run until your “New X” trigger has run for a specific record. For example, if you create a contact called “Joe Bloggs” and then add an email address to his record a few seconds later, only your “New Contact” Zaps will run (and it will include the email address that you added). Once your “New Contact” Zap has run, subsequent changes made to “Joe Bloggs” will run your “Updated Contact” Zaps.

“Updated X” triggers will only run Zaps when data included in the trigger is changed. i.e. editing the “Notes” field in a shoot doesn’t run the “Updated Shoot” trigger because the shoot notes aren’t included in the data provided, but changing the shoot title will run these triggers because it’s part of the data included.

All of Light Blue’s triggers include at least one filter that allows you to be specific about which changes will trigger your Zaps. You can use these filters to avoid running your Zaps unnecessarily, for example you might only be interested in new appointments of a specific type.

Warning: batch operations in Light Blue can cause triggers to run a lot! e.g. using the “Add Tag To Found Set” command could cause a “New Tag Added To Contact” trigger to run for every record that you add the tag to.

New Contact

“New Contact” is triggered when a new contact is created in Light Blue, either by you creating a new contact in one of the Light Blue apps or when a client makes a booking via one of your scheduling calendars.

You can filter this trigger to run for all contacts, or just for those that have opted in or out of your mailing list.

The data provided includes:

Updated contact

“Updated Contact” is triggered whenever you update a contact. If you have “New Contact” triggers, “Updated Contact” will not run for a new contact until “New Contact” has run, giving you a chance to make a series of changes to a new contact without triggering your “Updated Contact” Zaps unnecessarily.

You can filter this trigger to run for all contacts, or just for those that have opted in or out of your mailing list.

The data provided includes:

Updated Contact Mailing List Opt-In

“Updated Contact Mailing List Opt-In” is triggered whenever you update the contact mailing list opt-in.

You can filter this trigger to run for all contacts, or just for those that have opted in or out of your mailing list.

The data provided includes:

New Tag Added To Contact

“New Tag Added To Contact” is triggered whenever you add a tag to a contact.

You can filter this trigger to only run for specific tags and whether or not the contact is opted into your mail list.

The data provided includes:

Removed Tag From Contact

“Removed Tag From Contact” is triggered whenever you remove a tag from a contact.

You can filter this trigger to only run for specific tags and whether or not the contact is opted into your mail list.

The data provided includes:

New Shoot

“New Shoot” is triggered when a new shoot is created in Light Blue, either by you creating a new shoot in one of the Light Blue apps or when a client makes a booking via one of your scheduling calendars.

You can filter this trigger to run for shoots that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or shoot type.

The data provided includes:

Updated Shoot

“Updated Shoot” is triggered when you update a shoot. If you have “New Shoot” triggers, “Updated Shoot” will not run for a new shoot until “New Shoot” has run, giving you a chance to make a series of changes to a new contact without triggering your “Updated Shoot” Zaps unnecessarily.

You can filter this trigger to run for shoots that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or shoot type.

The data provided includes:

Updated Shoot Status

“Updated Shoot Status” is triggered when you change the status of a shoot, e.g. from “Enquiry” to “Confirmed”.

You can filter this trigger to run for shoots that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or shoot type.

The data provided includes:

New Tag Added To Shoot

“New Tag Added To Shoot” is triggered whenever you add a tag to a shoot.

You can filter this trigger to only run for specific tags and for shoots that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or shoot type.

The data provided includes:

Removed Tag From Shoot

“Removed Tag From Shoot” is triggered whenever you remove a tag from a shoot.

You can filter this trigger to only run for specific tags and for shoots that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or shoot type.

The data provided includes:

New Appointment

“New Appointment” is triggered when a new appointment is created in Light Blue, either by you creating a new appointment in one of the Light Blue apps or when a client makes a booking via one of your scheduling calendars.

You can filter this trigger to run for appointments that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or type.

The data provided includes:

  • Type.
  • Status.
  • Start Date & Time.
  • Description.
  • Online Meeting URL.
  • Phone.
  • Address.
  • Linked Record Description.
  • Linked Record Type.

If the appointment is linked to a contact, or to a shoot that has a primary contact, the following contact data is also provided:

  • Contact First Name.
  • Contact Last Name.
  • Contact Full Name.
  • Contact Company Name.
  • Contact Role / Job Title.
  • Contact Email.
  • Contact Phone.
  • Contact Address.
  • Contact Birthdate.
  • Contact Mailing List Opt-In.
  • Contact Custom Fields.
  • Light Blue’s unique email address for the contact.

Updated Appointment

“Updated Appointment” is triggered when you update an appointment. If you have “New Appointment” triggers, “Updated Appointment” will not run for a new appointment until “New Appointment” has run, giving you a chance to make a series of changes to a new contact without triggering your “Updated Appointment” Zaps unnecessarily.

You can filter this trigger to run for appointments that have a specific status (e.g. “Confirmed”) or type.

The data provided includes:

  • Type.
  • Status.
  • Start Date & Time.
  • Description.
  • Online Meeting URL.
  • Phone.
  • Address.
  • Linked Record Description.
  • Linked Record Type.

If the appointment is linked to a contact, or to a shoot that has a primary contact, the following contact data is also provided:

  • Contact First Name.
  • Contact Last Name.
  • Contact Full Name.
  • Contact Company Name.
  • Contact Role / Job Title.
  • Contact Email.
  • Contact Phone.
  • Contact Address.
  • Contact Birthdate.
  • Contact Mailing List Opt-In.
  • Contact Custom Fields.
  • Light Blue’s unique email address for the contact.

New Invoice

“New Invoice” is triggered whenever a sale is turned into an invoice or credit note, either by you creating the invoice in one of the Light Blue apps or when a client makes a booking via one of your scheduling calendars.

You can filter this trigger to run for invoices that are linked to shoots of a particular type.

The data provided includes:

  • Invoice Number.
  • Invoice Date.
  • Billing Contact Name.
  • Billing Contact Company.
  • Billing Contact Address.
  • Billing Contact VAT Number.
  • Billing Contact Email.
  • Billing Contact Phone.
  • Shoot Title.
  • Shoot Type.
  • Tax Inclusive.
  • Undiscounted Net Total.
  • Discount Percentage.
  • Discount Description.
  • Discount Amount.
  • Net Total.
  • Tax Total.
  • Gross Total.
  • Paid Total.
  • Unpaid Total.
  • Next Payment Due Date.
  • Next Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Items:
    • Item Name.
    • Item Description.
    • Item Exclude From Discount.
    • Item Quantity.
    • Item Unit Price.
    • Item Net Unit Price
    • Item Tax Name
    • Item Price.
    • Item Net Price.

Updated Invoice

“Updated Invoice” is triggered when you update an invoiced sale. If you have “New Invoice” triggers, “Updated Invoice” will not run for a new invoice until “New Invoice” has run, giving you a chance to make a series of changes to a new invoice without triggering your “Updated Invoice” Zaps unnecessarily.

You can filter this trigger to run for invoices that are linked to shoots of a particular type.

The data provided includes:

  • Invoice Number.
  • Invoice Date.
  • Billing Contact Name.
  • Billing Contact Company.
  • Billing Contact Address.
  • Billing Contact VAT Number.
  • Billing Contact Email.
  • Billing Contact Phone.
  • Shoot Title.
  • Shoot Type.
  • Tax Inclusive.
  • Undiscounted Net Total.
  • Discount Percentage.
  • Discount Description.
  • Discount Amount.
  • Net Total.
  • Tax Total.
  • Gross Total.
  • Paid Total.
  • Unpaid Total.
  • Next Payment Due Date.
  • Next Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Items:
    • Item Name.
    • Item Description.
    • Item Exclude From Discount.
    • Item Quantity.
    • Item Unit Price.
    • Item Net Unit Price
    • Item Tax Name
    • Item Price.
    • Item Net Price.

New Payment

“New Payment” is triggered whenever a payment is created, either by you creating the payment in one of the Light Blue apps or when a client makes a booking via one of your scheduling calendars.

You can filter this trigger to run for payments allocated to invoices that are linked to shoots of a particular type.

If the payment is allocated to a single invoice or credit note, that invoice or credit note’s details will be included in the provided data.

The data provided includes:

  • Payment Reference.
  • Payment Date.
  • Payment Contact Name.
  • Payment Contact Company.
  • Payment Contact Email.
  • Payment Contact Phone.
  • Payment Contact Address.
  • Payment Method.
  • Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Number.
  • Invoice Date.
  • Billing Contact Name.
  • Billing Contact Company.
  • Billing Contact Address.
  • Billing Contact VAT Number.
  • Billing Contact Email.
  • Billing Contact Phone.
  • Shoot Title.
  • Shoot Type.
  • Tax Inclusive.
  • Undiscounted Net Total.
  • Discount Percentage.
  • Discount Description.
  • Discount Amount.
  • Net Total.
  • Tax Total.
  • Gross Total.
  • Paid Total.
  • Unpaid Total.
  • Next Payment Due Date.
  • Next Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Items:
    • Item Name.
    • Item Description.
    • Item Exclude From Discount.
    • Item Quantity.
    • Item Unit Price.
    • Item Net Unit Price
    • Item Tax Name
    • Item Price.
    • Item Net Price.

Updated Payment

“Updated Payment” is triggered when you update a payment. If you have “New Payment” triggers, “Updated Payment” will not run for a new payment until “New Payment” has run, giving you a chance to make a series of changes to a new payment without triggering your “Updated Payment” Zaps unnecessarily.

You can filter this trigger to run for payments allocated to invoices that are linked to shoots of a particular type.

If the payment is allocated to a single invoice or credit note, that invoice or credit note’s details will be included in the provided data.

The data provided includes:

  • Payment Reference.
  • Payment Date.
  • Payment Contact Name.
  • Payment Contact Company.
  • Payment Contact Email.
  • Payment Contact Phone.
  • Payment Contact Address.
  • Payment Method.
  • Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Number.
  • Invoice Date.
  • Billing Contact Name.
  • Billing Contact Company.
  • Billing Contact Address.
  • Billing Contact VAT Number.
  • Billing Contact Email.
  • Billing Contact Phone.
  • Shoot Title.
  • Shoot Type.
  • Tax Inclusive.
  • Undiscounted Net Total.
  • Discount Percentage.
  • Discount Description.
  • Discount Amount.
  • Net Total.
  • Tax Total.
  • Gross Total.
  • Paid Total.
  • Unpaid Total.
  • Next Payment Due Date.
  • Next Payment Amount.
  • Invoice Items:
    • Item Name.
    • Item Description.
    • Item Exclude From Discount.
    • Item Quantity.
    • Item Unit Price.
    • Item Net Unit Price
    • Item Tax Name
    • Item Price.
    • Item Net Price.
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